
Setting the Table, Simplified

“Back in the day,” setting the table used to be automatic in most homes. From recent observations, most families do not make this a regular practice any longer. It has been described as intimidating and unnecessary. What is the point anyways? Why is setting the table even a thing?

Setting the table for a meal allows the diners to have all the utensils they will need at their fingertips. By putting the dishes, silverware, and glassware on the table before the meal is served, there is no need to disrupt the flow of conversation to retrieve or request these things. And conversation is the real purpose of dining with others. (This will be addressed in a future blog.)

Though many are intimidated by the actual setting of the table, it can be simplified to this: Only put on the table the items you will need for the meal that is being served. So, if you are serving oatmeal, fresh fruit, and milk, all you would need is a bowl (for the oatmeal), a small plate/bowl (for the fruit), and a cup/glass (for the milk). For silverware, you can just provide a spoon or a spoon and a fork.

Let’s try another example. If you are serving steak, a baked potato, vegetables, and wine, your silverware should definitely include a steak knife for the steak. But you may need a butter knife as well, for the baked potato, especially if there is butter involved (and shouldn’t it be?). Obviously, you will also need a plate, a fork, and a wine glass. You might also want to keep salt and pepper as staples on the table in case it is needed at any meal.

I think you get the idea. It shouldn’t be intimidating. And it is a great way to get the whole family involved. If you are not contributing to the meal preparation, I am sure it would be appreciated if you took on the role of table-setter. Oh, and one other thing, your table can be dolled up and protected by a tablecloth and/or placemats. But napkins are not optional. They are staples and should be at every single meal. (This will also be addressed in a future blog.)

So, try it out. Whether the meal is for two or ten, you will see how simple it can be. Let me know how it goes.