
Modern Day Etiquette

People want to be kind and considerate to one another and it is the responsibility of all of us to teach each other good etiquette. Knowing proper etiquette is just figuring out the expectations and normalities in an environment. This could be at work, at someone else’s home, or even in a store. Expectations and codes are tough to keep up with, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. 

Etiquette is how people communicate with one another. It is the basis for how humans can get along. It should not be used to judge or make anyone feel “less than”. Etiquette is actually the consideration of other people and your impact on them. You might be able to determine proper etiquette in a particular space by knowing or observing specific codes of behavior, traditions, or expectations of other people and what matters to them. 

That’s really where modern etiquette comes into play. 

With the pandemic, technology, and full, complicated lives, frustrations can run high if you can’t decode a situation. If that isn’t you, it may be the people around you trying to decipher the protocols. Learning the role of etiquette in the 21st century isn’t meant to be scary, exclusive, or stuffy. It’s an invitation to be vulnerable and kind, to ask questions and for forgiveness, to learn how others would like to be treated and to have them learn how you’d like to be treated.

So, what questions do you have for me? What are your etiquette anxieties?