The Thank You Note

‘Tis the season for giving and receiving. And when you receive anything, whether it be a gift, money, or a service from an individual, it is customary and polite to offer a sincere thank you. Though today, many choose to respond electronically, it makes it a bit more sincere to hand-write a thank you note.

Yes, it takes more thought and effort. But that is also what makes this personal note that much more special. Since you want to craft the perfect note, always assess your relationship with the recipient to guide your wording. Here are some tips to steer you through a basic note of gratitude:

  • Open your note with a greeting that addresses your card recipient personally.
  • Write a message to express the purpose of the note.
  • Add specific details.
  • Write a forward-looking statement.
  • Reiterate your emotion.
  • End with your regards.

Here is an example for a family member:

Dear Aunt Ruth,

I cannot express how honored I was to have you attend my graduation ceremony. You took time off work and sat through 90 minutes of graduate names of people you don’t know just to see me walk across the stage. That really meant a lot to me. I appreciate you always being there for me. Your love for family is clear. Thank you again!



Here is an example for a work associate:


Thank you so much for the holiday treats. You are so creative with your baked goods. The decorative cookies made the dessert table sparkle. You and your skills are much appreciated. Have a wonderful break. You deserve it.

Kind regards,


Thank you notes are not letters. They should be brief and on topic. That’s why thank you cards are so small. Keep it simple.

What other tips do you have for a genuine note of gratitude? Other than receiving gifts, when is a thank you note appropriate? I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

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