Giving Grace

According to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “the only constant in life is change.” With our crazy weather events, a global pandemic, and endless communication chaos in the world today, I would not be surprised to literally see people’s heads spinning.

It is so hard to live in this society without having contact with other people. And these days, people are truly overwhelmed. Are you one of those overwhelmed people? We are having to be on our toes and ready for the next change at any moment. We are dealing with COVID and other health fears, personal and family issues, and work/school concerns.

One way the overwhelm affects us, the common man, is through customer service. When we patronize a store, restaurant, professional office, or any service provider, we must come in contact with other human beings. When we do, we bring all of our woes with us. We often do not think about others having their own distresses. Those combined strains on our internal capacities and patience may lead to outward conflicts.

I offer a preventative solution…

  • Grace: to show others kindness and compassion, even when they do not deserve it and may not appreciate it.

Giving grace requires one to think of others first before their own emotions about a situation kick in. It is a learned skill that takes awareness and practice. When used in high-stress or potentially chaotic conditions, it can truly change the present and the future.

Tell us about a time when you used grace to diffuse a potentially explosive situation. When could you have used some grace for a better outcome? Do you have suggestions for other solutions to a society with exposed nerve endings?

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